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Old 04-15-2012, 06:08 PM   #130
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Originally Posted by slowvia View Post
Homosexuality- When did you decide to be straight?
Since Homosexuality is no-longer a defined as a mental disorder, and there appears to be no genetic defect link, yes, legally it is a choice. No one forces you to have relations or intercourse with the same sex. I have not issue with gay people however. I also welcome the end of the marriage debate so we can actual focus on real fucking issues and not this knee-jeck distraction crap that politicians love. Gay marriage is inevitable, abortion is here to stay.

As a Mariage issue - mariage as we know it needs to end. The Government needs to get the fuck out of it. No special tax breaks, not legal fees and when you break up, no lawyers. Its between you, your spouse and whatever church/god you worship.

We should then create cohabitation laws and contracts much like you'd find between corporations. Two people agree to share income, housing, and legal rights over each other (medical, inheritance ect) and it's all spelled out in a legal contract. Then when you "break up" and decided to dissolve the contract, it's also spelled out already the terms of such "break up" - who gets what ect. Contracts could even have a written term limit for renegotiation.

Originally Posted by slowvia View Post
Taxes- You make more than I do, who should be taxed more, or less? Or should we be tax
Flat 25%. Everyone should pay, and no refunds of any type. It's bullshit that someone making $20,000 a year, pays $1,500 in taxes gets $6,500 back because of the choices they made in life (having children), then because they are low income, also receive food stamps, free school, welfare and free healthcare.

Originally Posted by slowvia View Post
War- Is our cause just? Should we be spending 3-4 times more on our military than any other country in the world?
Yes, we should model our selves after Belgium or Morocco because their situations and ours are identical. We consume half of the worlds resources and have economic, social and political interests in almost every single country in the world. Not only does this make their business our business, it also makes us the lightning rod for all the assholes and dip-shits of the world.
I don't see Chavez bitching about the corruption of Chinese politics, crime in Brazil or the Imperialistic actions of Russia.

Oh yeah -

Originally Posted by slowvia View Post
Religion- Should we allow a Catholic church to be built in Lower Manhattan? Is that answer the same if we're talking about a Muslim church?
Christianity is constantly under attack in America. It's cool to hate on them, make fun of them, belittle them and threaten them. It's suddenly a tolerance and discrimination issues when talking about other foreign religions. When dealing with Islamic issues you have to remember people are not talking about what songs they sing at church. The issues is about shifting our cultural foundation from Judah Christian to Islamic. You know, women's rights, hanging gays ect. Read up on Shia law and countries practicing it.

Convicted Homosexuals in Iran.

Originally Posted by slowvia View Post

Education- Should we force children in Chicago to be taught the same things and take the same tests as children in LA?
States and Community rights. Are people the same in Chicago and LA? Do the kids in Kentucky have the same needs as kids in Boston? Do kids in a rich neighborhood have the same background as kids in a ghetto? So you are advocating taking away parents rights to have a say in what their child is taught?

Personally I think all of schooling should be privatized. We should focus on draining off the water, decrease budgets, not increase them. Children that go to private school continually post higher schools (both Catholic and non-Catholic schools).

Average private school costs $3,500 a year. Average Public school spends $10,000 a year. That shit is fucked up.

Private Schools Cost Less Than You May Think | David Salisbury | Cato Institute: Daily Commentary

Fast Facts

Originally Posted by slowvia View Post

Abortion- In the "Land of the Free" is it your right to dictate what a woman can and cannot do? And should we base our decisions on our religion, even though the constitution clearly forbids it?
As a father why do I have no fetal rights? I see abortion as a responsibility re-set button. Chick gets knocked up, don't want it - flush it. She wants it, keeps it, dad pays child support. As a moral issues, we all deal with God personally when we die. As a society, its one less unwanted child that will grow up a cluster-fuck or in poverty.

Dad should also have a say - he don't want it, he shouldn't have to pay child support - she can't afford it? Well that is why their are pills and abortions.

Originally Posted by slowvia View Post
Health Care- Should lower class families have access to adequate health care? Are we content with allowing families to go bankrupt due to their medical bills and lack of insurance?
Considering the Gobberment fucks up everything it touches... Medicare and Medicad are fraught with fraud and abuse, Social Security has billions dumped into it every year only to end up in a black hole, the agency that is supposed to keep guns away from the bad-guys (AFT) is actually giving them thousands and well GSA.

What in the world would make you think they won't fuck up National Healthcare? Personally I feel you should buy insurance nationally (not regulated to just within your state) and it should be adjusted so you can go to whatever caregiver you want to use, not just want your insurer puts on a list.

Further more, insurance companies should charge like car companies. Why should a 25 year old, fit young woman pay the same as a 47 year old, chain smoking 420lb man? Why should I forgo insurance until I get HIV and now that I need it, I should expect them to give it to me at the same cost as everyone else?

That is like driving without car insurance, you get in an accident and then call up Progressive - "hey, I wrecked my BMW, can I get collisions for $140 a month cause they said its going to cost $15,000 to fix it".
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