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Old 06-03-2021, 01:43 PM   #75
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Originally Posted by mechanicalmoron View Post
That's all fucking stupid.

It's a concentration camp with a population of half children. Israel constantly steals more territory. and puts more people into less space as they steal those people's space. We know how this book ends.

So when the concentration camp elects their resistance fighters into formal office, what does that change, except israel's pretext? They're the victims, they can fight any way they want.

You, a safe bootlicker on the other side of the world, talking about strategy (meaning shut up and take it) for ghetto inmates on the other side of the world, is shameful. Palestine has a right to exist, and a right to fight their oppressors.

Imagine what this cuck would have said about the warsaw ghetto uprising. Just wait it out and be cool, why are you antagonizing them?

Or of david and goliath?

Just sit down, says the cuck.
So if the Gaza Strip is now a "concentration camp", then what does that make Hamas and Hezbollah... the SS Prison Guards?

If the argument is the land known as Israel today belongs to the people called Palestinians, well, that's just retarded.

As recent as 1900 that region belonged to Turkey (Ottoman Empire).

After the collapse of the Ottoman Empire in 1920, the region belonged to the newly formed Jordan and Syria.

So with that said, the tell here is two fold.

First, the Pinochet Effect - where everyone was up and arms over the dude but silent on all the other dictators of the world -with absolutely far more abhorrent human rights records.

Same is true for Israel.

All the people crying about stolen land, home land rights and ancient borders for Palestine, are dead silent when it comes to Kurds, Armenians, Tibet, Hong Kong, Taiwan, Falklands, Crimea, Ukraine, Poland, Sudetenland, Texas, Korea, Manchuria, Kashmir, Rhodesia, South Africa and probably a billion total displaced people around the world.

The other big red flag is in the Palestinian demands. They had an opportunity for a one state solution and accept becoming Israelis, but have endlessly rejected this wanting two states.

Now they have that - but the leadership needs the strife to continue to remain in power and their openly stated ultimate goal is the destruction of Israel and the Genocide of the Jewish people. Not exactly a rational or realistic goal.

Their actions are also very transparent. They launch attacks against Israeli civilians knowing it will invoke retaliation. If they targeted exclusively soldiers and military targets - you might see Israelis reflecting on reducing militarization. But no, it's always Civilians, ensuring the populous demands military reaction.

Palestine then ensure the perpetrators of these attacks are centered in dense population centers like schools, hospitals and most recently, news stations - using human shields and hoping for death and chaos.

This then feeds their warped propaganda that Israel is a bunch of child killing fascists - gaining support from the Palestinian population and drawing world sympathy (and money).

Hamas knows it can't topple Israel, they want a massive regional conflict and to sucker in the other Arab states to do this for them.
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