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Old 01-08-2019, 02:40 PM   #1
Speed Junkie
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Advantage of Swift Springs

So does anyone know what the advantage of Swift Springs is over the standard springs that come by default Fortune Auto coilovers for example? I hear and read a lot of "they feel better but I don't know why." Which rings all of my placebo bells.

Both are linear rate springs. So unless the "conventional" spring was significantly flawed in such a way that its spring rate would vary throughout its compression (which seems like a serious manufacturing flaw) so much that the driver would feel it as some "negative" "less-than-ideal" sensation, I'd be skeptical.

The Swift site states the following:

"Top suspension tuners know that these 4 factors play an intricate role when considering the effectiveness of the suspension coil spring."

1. The most consistent spring rate throughout the stroke
2. The largest amount of stroke
3. The highest durability against loss of spring height
4. The lightest in weight

I think we can mostly ignore 2 and 3 since most 240 drivers have an issue with suspension stroke, not spring stroke. We can exclude 3 since we are assuming these are new springs. That leaves us with 1 and 4. They use a proprietary steel alloy "HS5.TW" for what that's worth.

So are there any experienced drivers here that have experience with these springs and could explain (the more technical the better) the benefits they saw?
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