Thread: STL Riots
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Old 08-22-2014, 05:37 PM   #80
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Originally Posted by HORShi View Post
IMO, I believe we do have a pretty screwed up the system. That paragraph I took from a CNN/MSNBC source (I'll post it up in another post) that had interesting information regarding that.
Awesome Source Material.

Originally Posted by HORShi View Post
I should also say, in IMO when you compared 1ST WORLD (which is would be much more accurate then saying the entire world, which the article imply) we have a "much in need to be fixed" system.
Yes, because we are totally comparable. You do realize that most of these European Utopias have Zero ethic diversity and the diversity...or freedom crushing laws ranging the entire gambit including zero immigration, censorship etc.

Originally Posted by HORShi View Post
A booming incarceration industry, the lack of compromise when law-variations from state to state (tint laws, marijuana laws, drug laws, gun laws etc) citizens who getting locked up for felonies and hard time for non-violent crimes and in lots of cases, getting more time than actual violent, malicious, serial-crime committing felons. Man, and our rehabilitation system is an absolute joke. Police is given too much power many of the times that does infringe on our citizen rights.


First, variation in law is great. It's part of states rights. Don't like it, vote or move. This country is far to big, far to diverse to have one central government making all the laws. That's tyranny of the majority. Why should I in podunk Midwest, who is outnumbered by California, be forced to accept what laws they want?

As far as nonviolent vs violent - please post up some statistics to back up your claim.

Our criminal system is not about rehabilitation. End of Story.

Our Society is not about rehabilitation. Ever apply for a job? Ever been asked if you are a convicted felon? Can't get a job - just go back to stealing.

What "to much" power are police given?

Originally Posted by HORShi View Post
I'm not saying that we have the absolute worst. Cause as you said, this comes with the problems of having a Democracy, a two-party controlling country with two entirely different views and agendas
The two parties are closer align then you realize. You are just getting lost in rhetoric.

Originally Posted by HORShi View Post
and examples of other countries as you mentioned such as Mexico, Panama, Brazil (I just got back from visiting family down there) and those systems are definitely corrupted to great levels on ALL levels. From Local/municipal all the way to federal level.
Good for you.

Originally Posted by HORShi View Post
But when talking on the scale as U.S./ Britain/ Japan etc. I don't consider them "1st world" countries because of their status in where they stand in the world.
Maybe we should start with the people. How many drug gangs does Japan have? Active serial killers? How many men beat and murder their wives? Kidnap and rape girls? How many guys set off bombs in front of buildings? How many Japanese police officers are killed each year?

How many illegal aliens are in Japan? How many guns? How many minorities? How many people live below the poverty line?

Originally Posted by HORShi View Post
But our system needs to be repaired...before things start spiraling uncontrollably.
Or else what? You still haven't stated how the system is broken. Just rhetoric. Yes, the US is not other countries. We have many more freedoms, opportunities and an extremely different culture. I don't see people line up by the MILLIONS to immigrate to Japan or England... and if they did, neither country would let them.

You can't trade one aspect for another.

You can't say "lets be like Norway!" without say "Lets deport out all the minorities, non-christians, poor, immigrants and uneducated while censoring movies, books and video games".
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